Does Your Website and Social Media Make the Grade?

Website and Social Media Grade Tools

Does Your Website and Social Media Make the Grade? Use these website and social media grade tools to see how to improve.


As I get ready to do some work on my website, I decided to take a look at how well it’s currently performing.  I have the number one spot on the first page of Google.  That’s great!  However, having a well-optimized site is only one essential part of a successful website.

Hubspot offers a great website grader.  Provide your site’s URL and email address and it will run a test and give you a grade.  It will show you what you’ve done well on your site and make suggestions for what needs improvement.  It’s not perfect, though.  I use SiteLock Security on my site and the website grader didn’t recognize any security at all.  The other graded areas seemed to be right on.


Here’s What You’ll Learn About the Effectiveness of Your Website and How to Improve It:

  • Performance
  • Mobility
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Security


HootSuite’s social media grader tool is a great way to see if your social media plan for Twitter is working for you.  It also gives you tips for improvement.  Your Twitter account will be graded on reach, engagement and profile.

  • Reach – How big your audience is in comparison to the average number of followers
  • Retweets – Percentage of your tweets that get retweeted in comparison to the average number
  • Engagement – Percentage of people who are actively mentioning and commenting on your tweets
  • Rich Content – This involves sharing links, videos and images.
  • Responsive – Percentage of  mentions and comments you responded to
  • Profile – Twitter grades your profile for completeness.  The more complete it is, the bigger your score.

You can find other social media grading tools by doing a Google search.  If you’re wondering how well your website is performing and how successful your social media marketing is doing, use these tools.  It will give you a place to start and suggestions for improvement.


Does Your Website and Social Media Make the Grade?