Why You Should Become a Social Media Super Sleuth

Listening to Social Media Conversations in Your Niche

Why You Should Become a Social Media Super Sleuth - Listening to Social Media Conversations

Social media has become THE way to communicate with the world.  It gives you an excellent opportunity to meet new people, connect with old friends and learn new things.  In business, you can connect with prospective and past clients.

Checking in on your niche business leaders gives you the latest news, successful business techniques and more.  If you want to know what your competition is doing, start snooping.   A little detective work can go a long way toward your success.

Remember your past and current clients?  You’ll probably find them on social media.  By connecting, you will be a trusted resource for solutions to their pain points.  You will also have access to their friends and followers.

Sleuthing requires a lot of listening.  Listening to your competition and business contacts’ conversations can be transformative for any business.  Find out what their frustrations and hopes are.  Learn what your competition is doing to build their business and fulfill a need.
[bctt tweet=”Listening to your competition on #socialmedia can be transformative for your business. ” username=”secondself”]

Pay attention to hashtags on social media accounts like Twitter and Instagram.  Hashtags alert you to trending topics in your industry.  Use that opportunity to share what you find with your social media followers.  They will appreciate the latest information and gain trust in your knowledge and ability to help them.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ~Anne Frank

Diary of Anne Frank: the play


Listen to what your competition and target market is talking about.  Then, share your knowledge with them about their concerns and goals.  Research what others are saying and doing.  Spy on your competition and then find solutions to the issues your social media contacts are concerned about.

Be the super-sleuth for your business.  Keep your competitive edge with research, sharing and snooping!  Your social media contacts will know who to turn to with their questions, concerns and business.

When you get a chance, head over to my video tutorial, “Social Media Lead Generation Tips“.  You’ll find a checklist for using social media as lead generation tool.


Why You Should Become a Social Media Super Sleuth