Email marketing takes time, requires consistency, and must be targeted. Here are answers to the three most frequently asked questions to help you grow your list, write content that converts, and keep you from paying a hefty fine.

Can I Grow My Email List Using Automation?

Don’t fall for buying lists. They are often out-of-date and not laser-targeted to people who are actually wanting to hear from you. Growing your list must be done the old fashioned way.

  • People You’ve Previously Done Business With
  • Referral Leads
  • New Contacts
  • Subscribers

Use automation to get the right message to the right people. Use it to automate your sales funnel, not to build your list. Keep your contact list clean and organized.

Do I Have to Write My Own Content?

The short answer is a resounding “YES”. In order to engage your contacts in a meaningful way and to build trust, you need to create targeted content that means something to them.

Drip campaigns are an effective way of automating your email marketing. If you are using a prewritten drip campaign product, go through it and make sure it sounds like your voice. Be careful that your message is going to the right target. This is where grouping your contacts is key.

What Email Marketing Laws Do I Need to Be Aware Of?

Every country has its own guidelines for sending commercial emails. Non-compliance can cost you. The Federal Trade Commission can seek civil penalties of up to $16,000 per violation. Know the spam laws.

Some of the Guidelines include:

  • A way for your contacts to unsubscribe to your emails
  • Immediately unsubscribing a contact upon their request
  • Including a business address
  • Emailing people without their permission

Email marketing should be part of every successful marketing plan. Organically grow your list, customize your message, and know the FTC laws.

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Email Marketing: 3 Most Frequently Asked Questions