The Art of Selecting Top-Notch Curated Content for Facebook Page Marketing

If you’re looking for ways to improve your Facebook page, one option is to focus on the quality of the content you share. This means sourcing or creating content that is interesting, useful, and engaging for your audience.

One way to ensure that the content you share is top-notch is to curate it. Curating content simply means finding and sharing the best content from other sources. This can be a great way to supplement your own content and provide your audience with a steady stream of high-quality content.

Publish the curated content on your page and study your statistics very carefully.

  • Which of your posts gets shared the most?
  • Which ones get commented on the most?
  • Which ones get liked the most?

Pick out these winning pieces of content. Then look for related or similar types of curated content and publish those on your site.

How to Pick the Best Content

It’s one thing to say that you’re going to pick the best content your competitors have, it’s another to actually do it the right way. The big danger here is you’re going to be using your opinion as to what “the best content” means.

What’s the Winning Strategy?

People don’t care about what you like or don’t like. What they care about is what they like. So, how do you use this as a winning strategy? It’s actually pretty simple.

  • Look at your competitors’ Facebook pages and scan through their posts. Which of their posts is the most popular? Which of their posts gets shared a lot, gets the most likes, or gets the most comments?
  • Pull the link for those posts and post them on your website. See if you get the same level of engagement. If you do this enough times with many different competitors’ contents, certain patterns emerge.

You would quickly realize that the audience you’ve built up to this point is more likely to engage with certain types of content than others. You figure out what works and you ditch everything else. Focus on the stuff that works, and then you scale them up.

You publish more of it and eventually, you come up with your own version. It’s not a question of hunches or guesses. You have to look at objective indications of popularity such as page likes, comments, shares, and other types of engagement.

If you do this right, you will be able to put up a fairly compelling Facebook page that can lead to conversions later on.

Selecting Top-Notch Curated Content for Facebook