Attracting More Clients – The Stress is Real
I’ve written posts about Six Ways to Capture and Keep Contacts as well as How to Stay in Touch With Contacts All Year Long. Today I’d like to address the issue of attracting more clients. This is done by creating a promotional strategy for your business.
Make a 3-Point Strategy List
Create Your Ideal Client Profile – This is where knowing your tribe is so important. What’s their demographic? Where would you likely find them online? You will find them on varying forums and networks, depending on their age, income, and other indicators. Are they likely to hear from you in person or in an email?
Creating your ideal client profile helps you design your marketing to match your customer. Be as simple or as elaborate as you like. To get started, simply fill in the blanks of this statement:
I want to work with ______________ in ______________ who can afford to pay me ____________ and in return I will provide them with____________.
Create a List of Their Pain Points – Now that you know who your ideal client is, make a list of why they would want (or need) to work with you. Pain points are obstacles that prevent your ideal client from finding the solutions they need. List what questions they would have, what struggles they deal with, and what you can do to make their life easier. This information helps you design your marketing around their struggles.
Create a List of Your Competition – We all know people who are finding a lot of success in their business. It seems they have a leg up on the rest of us. List 3 – 5 of your fiercest competitors. See what they’re successfully doing on their website, social media, and print media. Join forums where your competition is likely to hang out. Learn from other’s successes and apply them to your own business.
Take the time to identify your ideal client, create a list of their points and how you can help them. Create a solid strategy that includes successful strategies of your competition. Attracting more clients will become easy.