Take Advantage of Your Contact List or Leave Money on the Table
Creating Email Lists for Digital Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing is an important spoke in the digital marketing campaign wheel. Besides the amount of time spent that goes into email marketing, some business people prefer not to do it for fear of appearing “spammy”. The truth is that if you properly create your mailing list, you will be expanding your reach exponentially. Here are some options to do this and to learn what is and isn’t acceptable in email marketing.
Buying a List – Purchasing a list is one way to add more contacts. I don’t’ recommend it. It’s expensive, not very effective, and will be considered spam by most recipients. There’s also no way of knowing how many of the emails are correct or if the recipient is even in your target market. When you purchase a large list, you might be able to glean a few interested parties. More than likely, though, it’s just a matter of numbers. Lists are not cheap. You could very well spend a lot of money for a very little return.
Spam Filters – Most, if not all, Internet service providers have spam filters that will automatically delete emails that appear to be spam. These filters run algorithms for the subject line message content. Avoid using triggers words such as buy, free, order, and shopper. HubSpot has created a whole list of spam trigger words. When in doubt, you can refer to that list.
Building a List – To create a valuable and profitable contact list, add your current and potential contacts to it. It’s a two-fold solution. Your current and past contacts will already have had a positive experience with you. Your potential contacts have already expressed an interest in your services. These are all contacts who will welcome an email from you.
Make It Interesting – Even the most positive personal experience won’t keep a contact from unsubscribing from dull information. Give your contacts content that will help make their lives better. Include links to relative information on your website, blog or other resources. It’s okay to “soft-sell” your contacts so include a compelling call-to-action.
You’ve heard it before: “If you’re not working your list, you’re leaving money on the table”. There are ways to be authentic while steering potential contacts to using your services. Building a genuine list of contacts is a great way to start – and stay – top-of-mind.
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E-Newsletters – An Effective Internet Marketing Strategy
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