Lead magnets continue to be a valuable resource for collecting contact information and marketing your business. Here’s is Part Two of “You Can Lead a Prospect to Water But Will They Drink?” You’ll find five more great ideas for creating lead magnets. You can read Part One here.
To encourage your audience to sign up for your email list give them something of value in exchange for their information. Here are some ideas to build your list.
- Checklists – A checklist is just a list with checkboxes so steps aren’t missed. Create a checklist that helps your audience design a landing page or steps to building a better mousetrap.
- Lists – Create a list that is useful for your audience; a list of resources, a list of definitions, a list of movers and shakers in your niche.
- Guides – Take a look at the blog posts you’ve created on a particular subject. With enough content, you can turn them into a guide.
- Workbooks –Create a how-to workbook to coordinate with a subject you are teaching.
- Worksheets – Create a worksheet that leads your audience through the steps of learning the subject you’re teaching.
- Journals – Want your audience to keep a journal to meet individual goals you’ve all set? Create a unique journal for them to follow.
Free Trials
Free trials won’t work for every business. However, if it works with your business model, using free trials is a great way to grow your list.
Increase Customer Satisfaction – Customers who use a free trial before continuing service tend to be a lot happier. The more satisfied your customers are, the more likely it is that they will tell their friends.
- Lower Acquisition Costs – Getting customers is expensive. Using free trials as your list builder lowers your cost of getting a new customer. You can show them how well your solutions work without having to do the hard sell.
- Apps – Apps are the perfect freebie because of the perception of value. Check out Crowdbotics.com to find out more information about creating a white-label app to use as a freebie even if you’re not a coder. Some companies provide apps for their members.
- Quizzes – Your audience wants information. and look to you for the insider information. Because of this, quizzes make excellent lead magnets. Set up a workbook or worksheet download that teaches a concept and then tests them on the concept. An online method will likely get more entries than the paper printable download method. Both are still very effective list building ideas. Since you’re designing the quiz, you can make the answers too, thus leading them to whatever you’re promoting. It’s a win-win proposition. It not only establishes you as an expert but also demonstrates that expertise by pointing them in the right direction.
Discounts – Who doesn’t love a discount? Here’s what you need to do to make them work.
- Make the Discount Large Enough to Notice – You’ll want the discount to be enough to make them stand up and take notice of it.
- Limit the Discount – Give them a limited amount of time to take advantage of the discount or never see it again. This gives them incentive to act now.
- Be Clear – Let them know what they’re going to get for the discount. This prevents misunderstandings. For example, if their card will be charged in 7 days or 30 days, make sure they know it and give them warnings.
- Deliver the Wow Factor – When you get your new customer through a discounted offer, blow them away with your professionalism and value.
- Cross-Promote Products and Services – Once you get them on your list, cross-promote to them based on their behavior.
Use these five lead generation magnets to build your clientele. Here’s an additional five lead magnets. Choose the one(s) that work best for you. Be persistent and consistent.