You Can Lead a Prospect to Water But Will They Drink?

Using Lead Magnets to Grow Your List

Finding a way to capture leads can be confusing and frustrating. Here are the first five of ten lead capture methods you can use to grow your list.

Create a lead magnet eBook to help grow your list. Here are some tips.

  • Transcription – Conduct some interviews with your customers’ success stories. Transcribe them and turn them into a book. You can find people to do this for you or you can do it yourself.
  • Case Studies – Create an automated survey to send to each of your customers. The survey should consist of yes and no questions as well as long-form answers so they can tell their story freely. Take the information you receive from that survey and turn it into a publishable case study. Allow your audience as a free download to learn more and grow your list.
  • Compile Old Blog Posts – Use categories in your blog to write and publish an eBook. After you’ve written several posts on a specific topic, compile them into an eBook. Add images and create a good design. Brand it to match your own branding. By setting up categories on your blog, you can set up a system to slowly write and eventually publish a perfect eBook for list building. After you have ten to twenty posts about one topic, you can compile it using automatic software in just a few clicks of a mouse. Add in some transitions, images, and design the document to match your branding, and you’re done. If you have a WordPress website, you can use the Print My Blog plugin to easily turn your blog posts into a printable eBook for download.
  • Transcribe a Webinar – Here’s another idea that uses transcription to create an eBook. You talk faster than you write. But you can use technology to help you create an eBook from a webinar you already conducted. Add a few checklists and maybe step-by-step instructions to accomplish a task.

Resource Guides
Your audience wants to know what they will need to buy or how to use your products and services successfully. Show them the resources you use by creating a resource guide. It makes a perfect list builder or lead magnet.

  • Website – Set up a page on your site with a resource list of products and services you use to do your business. Add resources you recommend that your audience uses to do whatever it is your niche is about.
  • Print to PDF – Your website version is going to be updated every time you find a new product or service that you like or recommend. When the list is long enough to be a few pages, you can print it right off your site to PDF. If you have a WordPress site, upload it into your Media Library and offer the link for a direct download. Make sure the list is easy-to-read with good formatting. Check all your resource links to be sure they all work.

Easy-to-Create Checklists
Checklists are a great way to create something of value for your audience. There are several ways you can market it to build your list.

  • Text Links – Anytime you have a checklist, mention it in your post or website content and link to it right within the content. Use the anchor text to link to your checklist content.
  • Advertise Your Checklist – Advertise your checklist to anyone who visits your website. Use Facebook Ads and other social media platforms to advertise.
  • Email “By the Ways” – Any time you mention the topic in an email, you can remind your contacts about the resources and information you have to offer. Tell them about the checklist and give them a link to it.
  • Chats and Messenger – Recommend your checklists in your website’s chat or on social media. Using automated technology right through Facebook and AI, you can set up your messages to automatically send this information to the right audience members who use specific keywords.
  • Webinar Handout – Webinars are a great time to recommend any of the checklists you’ve created for your audience. Let your audience know about downloading the checklists for extra assistance.

Cheat Sheets/Reference Guides
Think of a cheat sheet the same as crib notes for a particular topic. These reference guides make it easy to find links and resources mentioned in your article, post, or webinar.

  • Easy – Make your cheat sheet easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to implement.
  • Value-Added – Ensure your cheat sheet provides something your ideal customer wants to know and needs to know. Compile it on one page in a way that is understandable and implementable at a glance.

Templates make impressive and effective list builders because your audience want shortcuts to success. Create a template that matches the original.

  • Templates Solve Problems Fast – Create template designs for everything from landing pages, to how to do’s, to helping them with a problem. This one-page template makes it easy to use and fast to implement.
  • Easy to Create – A template is not hard to create. Find examples of templates in MS Word to MS Excel. Use their examples to make it easier to choose the data to put into your template freebie.
  • High-Value Item – A template is a high-value item because it solves an important problem at a glance. They are the perfect lead magnets because they encompass everything you want for list building. They are fast, simple, and effective at solving one particular problem for a specific person.

Lead magnets are extremely important. They help you build relationships and trust with prospective clients. Choose one of these 5 lead magnet ideas to get started on building your list and promoting your business.

AND THAT’S NOT ALL! There are more lead magnets that you may not have thought of. Look for five more in my next post.

You Can Lead a Prospect to Water But Will They Drink? Part One