Can Your Content Satisfy Your Readers and Google at the Same Time?

Content Development for Readers and Google

Content development walks a fine line between making sense to your readers and getting good SEO ranking from Google.  Your readers want valuable content that is easy to follow and understand.  Google wants optimized content that can be intelligently indexed.

Content that satisfies your reader is enjoyable and provides content they can understand.  When your reader is happy with your content, they will return again and again to see what else you have to offer.  This builds their trust and your authority.

Do You Know Where Your Traffic is Coming From?

Where Is Your Website Traffic Coming From

Knowing where your traffic is coming from is vital to increasing it.  There are tons of tools online that will show you where your website traffic is coming from, what they looked at and how long they stayed on your site.  To learn more about your entire digital marketing campaigns, Google still remains the best resource.

Try these 3 free Google tools.  See how they improve your marketing performance and website traffic.