Facebook for Real Estate
Some Realtors® have figured out how powerful Facebook for real estate can be.. Others look at it as the bane of their existence. Try these simple tips to get more involvement on your Facebook business page.
What Should I Post?
- Community Information – Stay informed about the communities in your target market. Go to the local government, schools, hospitals and Chamber of Commerce websites to see what’s new. Post about it on your Facebook business page. Include a shortened link to the entire article.
- Community Events – This is the fun stuff happening in your market area. You can find events in the Chamber of Commerce, local news or Tourism Bureau. Check out local service organizations to see what events they’re hosting. When you attend a community event, be sure to take pictures so they can be included in your post. Posts with photos garner a lot more activity than those without.
- 80/20 Rule – It’s acceptable to post about your real estate business. Just stay within the 80/20 rule; 80% about your followers and 20% about your business. Post a new listing with photo and short details. Include a link back to the listing on your website. Congratulate the new owners of a home you just sold. (Don’t include their full name.) Include a photo of the home or a real estate-related photo in the post.
- Blog Posts – You should be blogging on a regular basis; at least once a week. Every time you post, add a short “blurb” about your post. Include a related photo and a shortened link back to your post.
- Create an Album – Categorize your photos in topics; one for each community, listing, etc. Go to your Facebook page. Under your Facebook cover, click on the Photo/Video text link. You’ll be given 5 options. Four of the options are for creating an album, carousel, slideshow or Canva. The other option is for uploading your photo or video.
Facebook provides Realtors an awesome opportunity to gain more online exposure, direct prospects to your website and build business relationships. You can do the five things I mentioned above plus a ton of other marketing things on Facebook absolutely free.
How’s That Facebook Working for Ya?