How an Attitude of Gratitude Helps Your Business Succeed

How an Attitude of Gratitude Helps Your Business Succeed

Feeling gratitude has been shown to have significant positive effects on an individual’s health and happiness.  When we’re grateful for all things big and small, it shows in our relationships with ourselves and others.  Having an attitude of gratitude helps our business relationships, too.

Increased Happiness and Satisfaction – When we incorporate gratitude into our daily lives, we have a more positive outlook on everything we do.  We are more appreciative of everyday things including our profession.  Aspects of business are often disappointing. Gratitude lets us see the brighter side of those disappoints; learning lessons and ways to improve our business.

Increased Self-Esteem and Optimism – A high level of self-esteem builds confidence in our ability to succeed.  In turn, we experience more optimism. We all know that optimistic someone (maybe that’s you) who always bring light with them into a room.  Their confidence is contagious. Surrounding ourselves with confident, optimistic, and successful people automatically makes us strive to do better.

Increased Levels of Success – Those with a grateful attitude are more likely to achieve their goals faster. Those who hold managerial positions report that showing genuine appreciation and thanking their colleagues and clients improves productivity and motivation.  Grateful people are more likely to be willing to help others succeed.  Their generosity extends beyond materialistic things and what’s in it for them.

Being grateful for the opportunities we have to build a successful business, provide support to our family and co-workers, and help those less fortunate than ourselves translates into everything we do.  It enriches and transforms our lives as well as those we work with.

Start a journal and write down at least three things every day that you’re grateful for.  It might be hard in the beginning or on especially difficult days,  but persistently doing this on a daily basis will transform your life and your business.

How an Attitude of Gratitude Helps Your Business Succeed